Please join us at the library on May 9, 2014 for “Oz Day”. During the day we will hand out tickets to the movie, which we will show at 6:00pm that evening. Because of limited seating, only a certain number of tickets will be handed out. Come in early to get your ticket and see the Oz characters. You can bring your own drink and snack to the movie. You must have your ticket with you. We will also be having giveaways. We hope to see you all here.
Apr 30
Oz Day
Apr 24
Ep. 4, Between the Lines: May Happenings With the Library
Ep 4 Between the Lines: May Happenings With the Library
In today’s episode the library crew informs everyone about our events happening in May: Free Comic Book Day; Oz Day; Summer Reading Sing-Up; and a Kansas Humanities Council Speaker.
1) Free Comic Book Day, Saturday May 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2) Oz Day, Friday May 9, staff will be in costume during the day and we will begin the movie that evening at 6:00 p.m.
3) Summer Reading Sign-Up begins Monday May 19.
4) Kansas Humanities Council Speaker, Michaeline Chance-Reay, presenting “The Harvey Girls, Service With Style”, Monday May 19. A cover dish lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. and the presentation will begin at 12:20 p.m.
For more information on any of these events please contact the library at 620-355-6674.
Apr 22
Wizard of Oz Day
We would like everyone to join us for our Wizard of Oz Day, May 9, 2014. When you come in you may see the characters from the Wizard of Oz. We will be showing the movie at 6:00 pm that evening. There will be limited seating and you may bring your own snacks and drinks. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Apr 14
Library Closing
The library will be closed April 15 and 16, for staff training in Dodge City. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We will open Thursday, April 17, at 9:00 am.
The Southwest Kansas Library System, along with the Dodge City Public Library, the Dodge City Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Dodge City Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, is pleased to announce free admission to customer service training presentations, “Lead Through Your Service” and “Lead Through Your Customer”, that will encourage business leaders and employees to strive to create fantastic and memorable customer service. The presentations are open to businesses and service organizations throughout southwest Kansas and will be held at the United Wireless Conference Center in Dodge City.
Speaker J. Jeff Kober has focused on organizational transformation for the private, public, and nonprofit sectors for nearly 30 years. Jeff is well known for his design of Disney customer service programs and the application of those concepts to the corporate world through the popular benchmarking title “Be Our Guest”. Former clients include Federal Express, Office Depot, City of New York, and the Starwood Hotel brands of Westin, Sheraton, and St. Regis. He will give two presentations on customer service at the United Wireless Convention Center on April 15th.
“If you want to raise the bar in customer service, this is a unique opportunity for you!”, notes Director of the Dodge City Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Jan Stevens. According to Stevens, “This presentation is part of the ongoing benefits the Dodge City Hospitality Program offers to this area”. Anyone in the service industry who strives to attract and retain customers should plan to attend this session. Register by April 14, 2014
To register call the Dodge City Chamber of Commerce 620-227-3119
Apr 14
Ep. 3 Between the Lines with Kendal Francis, Lakin City Administrator
Ep. 3 Between the Lines Lakin City Happings with Kendal Francis, City Administrator
In this episode we have Kendal Francis, the Lakin City Administrator. Kendal takes some time to visit with us and to let the community know of the different waterworks projects, that the city has going, and a reminder about the city wide cleanup event.
1) – City of Lakin website
2) 620-355-6252 – City of Lakin Telephone Number
3) – MusicAlley’s website
4) – 3minute pop songs “Nothing at All”