Summer Reading Ice Cream Social is scheduled for 7:30 pm tonight. We were planning on having it at McVey park. Due to the weather we are moving it to the Veteran’s Memorial Building. We hope to see you there.
Jun 06
Ice Cream Social
May 16
Summer Reading
“Fizz, Boom, READ” sign up starts on Monday, May 19th. Come to the library and let us know you want to sign up and you can set your goal. If you meet your goal by reading all your books and attending the required programs you get a free t-shirt. We have the library decorated and would like for every one to come in and see it. We always have lots of fun during summer reading. We hope you will join us.
May 15
Ep. 5 Between the Lines: Summer Reading 2014
Ep. 5 Between the Lines: Summer Reading 2014
In this episode of Between the Lines Cesilia, Mindy, Tammy and Richard read throught the calendar of events for the Kearny County Library Summer Reading Program 2014.
1) – Kearny County Library’s Facebook page.
2) – MusicAlley’s website
3) – 3minute pop songs “Nothing at All”
May 08
Wizard of Oz Day
Please join us at the library on May 9, 2014 for “Oz Day”. During the day we will hand out tickets to the movie, which we will show at 6:00pm that evening. Because of limited seating, only a certain number of tickets will be handed out. Come in early to get your ticket and see the Oz characters. You can bring your own drink and snack to the movie. You must have your ticket with you. We will also be having giveaways. We hope to see you all here.
May 02
Free Comic Book Day at the Library
If you like comic books be sure to stop by the library this weekend for Free Comic Book Day. This weekend May 3, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. the library will have a selection of free comic books for everyone to take home with them. Because of limited quantities we are limiting the number of comic books you can take to 4 comic books.
The comic books will be in the Johanna Schibbelhut Meeting Room. We also have comic book advertising posters, standees, and collectibles to view. We look forward to see you at the library.