Category: Library News

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In honor of breast Cancer Awareness month we are giving away 4 scarves with the pink ribbon symbol on them. The first three winners are Joyce Edmunson and Diane Blalack, Nisme Jaquez Congratulations! Come in and sign up we have one more to give away. Good Luck!

Check out the library today!

The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the smarter you grow. The smarter you grow, the stronger your voice. When speaking your mind or making your choice. Author unknown

Visit the library today!

Geek the Library Get a fresh perspective. Start at the library

Lap Sit Class for parents and children

Do you have a child or children ages birth to two years of age? Are you interested in a lap-sit class at the Library? If there are interested parents with children ages birth to two years of age, we would schedule a time at the library for one lap-sit a week. Stories would be read …

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Unending Devotion Book Trailer

Come by the library to check out Jody Hedlund’s latest Unending Devotion.  Thanks to YouTuber “bethanyhouse” for the following trailer: