Category: Book

Cold Glory Book Trailer

Cold Glory is B. Kent Anderson’s latest.  If the Civil War and conspiracy theory is your cup of tea this book might interest you.  If so come check it out from the library.  Thanks to “BKentAnderson” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Shadow Creek Book Trailer

Shadow Creek, Joy Fielding’s latest is available at the library.  Check out the trailer below to see if you might be interested in reading it.  Thanks to “SimonSchusterVideos” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Crossroads Book Trailer

The library has the next novel by Wm. Paul Young, Crossroads.  If you are interested in reading this title swing by the library to check it out or place it on reserve.  Thanks to “WmPaulYoung” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Two Graves Trailer

Agent Pendergast’s next adventure is available in our collection.  If you haven’t done so yet come in to the library to see if  Two Graves by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child is available for check-out.  Thanks to YouTuber “HachetteBookGroup” for the following trailer:

Fire Prophet Trailer

Jerel Law’s next book in his Son of Angels series is Fire Prophet.  If this interests you we have the first two books in the library’s collection.  Thanks to YouTuber “thomasnelsoninc” for the following trailer: